Request Inspection Please complete this short questionnaire to access the application form. Do you have a car?(Required) Yes No Will you be getting a car during your lease term?(Required) Yes No Undecided Sorry, we have no car parks left. We’re looking for someone without a car. Please join our Rooms For Rent Adelaide Group & Share House Adelaide Group to find other suitable options.What lease term are you looking for? Less than 6 months 6 months 9 months 12 months More than 12 months We offer 6 month minimum leases only. Please join our Rooms For Rent Adelaide Group & Share House Adelaide Group to find other suitable options.Are you looking just for your self? Yes, just for me No, me and a partner Will there be any children (under 18 years old) living with you (for any amount of time)? Yes No Unfortunately, the other tenants do not want to share with children and for child safety a share house may not be appropriate for them. Anyone over 18 would need to apply as a tenant.There are no en-suites. Does this suit you? Yes No, I want an ensuite Our rooms do not have en-suites. Please join our Rooms For Rent Adelaide Group & Share House Adelaide Group to find other suitable options.The property is in Kilburn, 9kms north of the city. Does this location suit you? Yes No There are no pets preferred. Does this suit you? Yes No Please join our Rooms For Rent Adelaide Group & Share House Adelaide Group to find other suitable options.Thank you for completing the short questionnaire. Please press submit to request an inspection and access the application form.Name First Last Email(Required) Phone